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RCMP investigate after driver launches car airborne in Prince George, B.C.

BY , Jan 27, 2021 9:24 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

The RCMP say a stunt that involved an airborne car in Prince George, B.C., put lives at risk.

A Facebook video received more than 125,000 views before it was removed from the platform on Monday, two days after the jump was done.

Pictures show an unfenced shopping centre parking lot that ends at a steep hill leading down to a secondary school playing field, several metres below the lot.

A small car can be seen speeding through the parking lot and off the edge, then going airborne and landing on the snow-covered lower section of the hill before running across the playing field.

No one was hurt but police say the stunt put lives at risk because the lot was busy with Saturday shoppers and children often sled on the hill where the car landed.

In addition to seeking surveillance video of the area, the RCMP want to talk to the person who filmed the stunt and posted it online.

Police are also urging the driver to come forward.

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