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Jazzy B's Twitter account blocked on India's request

BY Jasmine/ Agencies, Jun 8, 2021 8:20 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Jazzy B's Twitter account blocked on India's request/ Facebook

Microblogging platform Twitter has ‘withheld’ the accounts of Punjabi singer Jazzy B, hip-hop artist L-Fresh the Lion and two others in response to a legal demand in India.

According to information on Lumen database, Twitter received a legal request from the Indian government on June 6 for actioning four accounts, including that of JazzyB.

Requests received by Twitter for withholding content are published on Lumen database - an independent research project studying cease and desist letters concerning online content.

Users checking Jazzy B's account are shown a message saying "account has been withheld in India in response to a legal demand".

Reports suggest that Jazzy B had frequently tweeted in support of farmers' protests.

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