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Unmasked man arrested for assault at Metropolis at Metrotown

BY , Mar 25, 2021 9:36 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Burnaby RCMP are investigating an altercation at the Metrotown Mall in which a West Vancouver man allegedly spat on someone after being asked to wear a mask. (Photo - Burnaby RCMP/Twitter)

Burnaby RCMP are investigating an altercation at the Metrotown Mall in which a West Vancouver man allegedly spat on someone after being asked to wear a mask.

Police say the incident happened outside the mall's McDonald's restaurant around 11 am on Monday when a bystander asked the man to wear a mask, and he refused.

The man has been issued a $230 fine and police are investigating the allegations as a possible assault.

Mounties say people should call police instead of trying to enforce COVID-19 guidelines.

Burnaby RCMP on Twitter:

Unmasked man arrested by #BurnabyFrontline officers for assault


. https://bit.ly/2P37INr

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