Late MP Chaudhary Santokh Singh's son Bikramjit Chaudhary or his wife Karamjit Kaur Chaudhary may get this ticket as the Chaudhary family is upset over the nomination of Charanjit Singh Channi from Jalandhar. (Photo: Facebook/Santokh Singh Chaudhary)
The Congress party may field one of the family members of Santokh Singh Chowdhury, who was a Member of Parliament for 9 years in the Jalandhar Lok Sabha seat of Punjab, from Hoshiarpur.
Late MP Chaudhary Santokh Singh's son Bikramjit Chaudhary or his wife Karamjit Kaur Chaudhary may get this ticket as the Chaudhary family is upset over the nomination of Charanjit Singh Channi from Jalandhar.
However, the name of Adampur MLA Sukhwinder Singh Kotli is also in discussion regarding the said ticket.