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Surge in sales ahead of Canada Day helping fireworks companies in difficult year

BY , Jul 1, 2020 10:19 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Fireworks companies say they're experiencing a surge in consumer sales as people try to recreate Canada Day displays that were cancelled because of COVID-19.

Gary Colquhoun, owner of Fireworks Atlantic in Yarmouth, N.S., said he's received five months worth of orders in the past two weeks after a slow start to the year.

Colquhoun, who sells across the country, says he's running three shifts a day to fill orders for stock that has since sold out.

Many Canada Day celebrations, and the fireworks that go with them, have been cancelled as officials across the country limit gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Victor Anber, owner of K&H Fireworks in Tecumseh, Ont., says he would normally have up to 60 major shows this week but they have all been cancelled.

But he says consumer sales have doubled compared with last year and he's struggled to keep up with demand ahead of Canada Day.

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