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RCMP launch probe amid allegations of corruption in Alberta health contracts

BY The Canadian Press, Mar 7, 2025 2:04 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

R-C-M-P say they received a complaint a month ago relating to A-H-S and have decided to begin an investigation, but wouldn't provide details.

A lawyer for the former head of Alberta Health Services says his client is happy R-C-M-P have launched an investigation amid allegations of corruption related to health contracts.

Former A-H-S head Athana Mentzelopoulos (ment-zeh-LOH'-poh-luss) is suing the province for wrongful dismissal, alleging high-level arm twisting, possible conflicts of interest, political interference and corruption in multimillion-dollar deals. None of her allegations have been tested in court.

R-C-M-P say they received a complaint a month ago relating to A-H-S and have decided to begin an investigation, but wouldn't provide details.

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