However, Gurinder Singh Dhillon says that he has not yet thought about joining politics. He was holding the charge of ADGP - Law and Order. He said in a tweet that he is now feeling free.(Photo: Gurinder Dhillon IPS)
Another officer of Punjab may enter politics. Punjab Police ADGP Gurinder Singh Dhillon has taken premature retirement. According to sources, he may join a political party soon.
However, Gurinder Singh Dhillon says that he has not yet thought about joining politics. He was holding the charge of ADGP - Law and Order. He said in a tweet that he is now feeling free.
It is to be noted that shortly before this IAS Officer Parampal Kaur Sidhu opted for voluntary retirement to join the BJP and is contesting from Bathinda. Meanwhile, Aam Aadmi Party MLA Kunwar Vijay Pratap left the police service to enter politics.