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Powerful cyclone hits land in India amid deadly virus surge

BY , May 17, 2021 4:47 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Cyclone Tauktae: 1 injured after tree falls on auto rickshaw in Mumbai/ ANI

A powerful cyclone has made landfall on the western coast in India's Gujarat state, hours after authorities evacuated hundreds of thousands of people and suspended COVID-19 vaccinations in one state.

Cyclone Tauktae, the most powerful storm to hit the region in more than two decades, came ashore with heavy rain, a battering storm surge and sustained winds of up to 165 kilometers (103 miles) per hour.

The cyclone had already caused heavy rains and flooding that killed at least 12 people.

The massive storm comes as India is battling a devastating coronavirus surge, and the storm and the virus could both exacerbate the effects of the other.

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