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Party-goers in Vancouver flout COVID-19 rules Halloween night

BY , Nov 2, 2020 4:37 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

Vancouver police say they are disappointed after social media posts showed downtown streets crowded with party-goers on Halloween night, apparently flouting COVID-19 safety protocols.

Spokesman Const. Jason Doucette says it wasn't possible to try to disperse the alcohol-fuelled crowd or issue tickets due to a number of factors.

He says the number of people in downtown grew larger than expected and additional resources were brought in from around the city.

Doucette says police made a number of arrests for minor offences, such as causing a disturbance, but there were no reported injuries.

He says police likely won't have a clear picture of calls for service on Halloween until later today.

On Thursday, B.C.'s chief medical officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, said the province was in a ``danger zone'' with more than 2,300 active cases of COVID-19 being reported.

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