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10,000 B.C. waterfront workers to receive anti-harassment, anti-violence training

BY , Feb 10, 2021 1:38 AM - REPORT AN ERROR

A new program aimed at training workers to speak up against harassment, violence and bullying is coming to BC's waterfront. (Photo - EVA BC/Twitter)

A new program aimed at training workers to speak up against harassment, violence and bullying is coming to BC's waterfront.

The federal government, longshore unions and management announced the program today, which is based on the 'Be More Than a Bystander' campaign developed by the Ending Violence Association of BC.

Association spokeswoman Tracy Porteous says working with longshore unions may seem like an odd fit but it will add the "voices and committed interventions of men" to those of women and minorities who have long been calling for an end to abuse and inequity.

Rob Ashton with the longshore workers union says the new program "will be tough," but he says he "only sees a successful conclusion to the training" now underway.

EVA BC on Twitter:

"With a mandate to train more than 10,000 union and management workers, this is one of the largest workplace violence and harassment prevention training programs ever undertaken in BC," Tracy Porteous, EVA BC Executive Director.

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