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NASA accuses China of stealing space technology

BY ANI, May 23, 2022 3:51 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

NASA accuses China_ANI

America's space agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has accused China of stealing unclassified American technology, ranging from military secrets to medical research.

During a United States House Appropriations Committee hearing on May 17, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson accused the Chinese Communist Party of stealing the United States' most vital technological secrets, The Singapore Post reported.

This comes as a response to the questions raised by the US representative and committee member, Robert Aderholt who noted that the space vehicles being developed between private U.S. companies and state-run Chinese organizations have similarities.

Meanwhile, China's aerospace experts condemned NASA'S claims, stressing that China has achieved space achievements beyond the US despite the strong blockade of the country because China is taking the road of independent space development, as per the Chinese media reports.

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