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Maddaugh Elementary: third new Surrey school to open this year

BY , Mar 26, 2021 5:32 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

A new school opens in Surrey next week, the third new school this school year in B.C.’s fastest-growing community, providing much needed classrooms for more than 600 students. (Photo - Jennifer Whiteside/Twitter)

A new school opens in Surrey next week, the third new school this school year in B.C.’s fastest-growing community, providing much needed classrooms for more than 600 students.

"This is excellent news for Surrey students and families that another new school is opening this year, reducing the number of portables needed in the district and providing another dynamic, 21st-century learning environment in the community," said Jennifer Whiteside, Minister of Education.

"After years of underinvestment by the previous government, Surrey families are starting to see concrete results of our work to give their children a better place to learn."

The ministry provided $23.8 million for the new Maddaugh Elementary, while the Surrey School District contributed $7.4 million toward the cost of the new school.

Two other new Surrey schools, Edgewood and Douglas elementary, have opened since September.

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