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Alberta announces $27.3 million in funding for resettlement of Ukrainian newcomers

BY The Canadian Press, Feb 24, 2023 7:52 PM - REPORT AN ERROR

The Alberta government is pledging more than $27 million in its upcoming budget to help Ukrainians resettle in the province one year after Russia invaded the eastern European country.

Rajan Sawhney, minister of trade, immigration and multiculturalism, says the United Conservative government is to continue to support Ukrainian newcomers as the crisis enters its second year.

Sawhney says the Alberta government would provide $7 million over the next three years for settlement and language programs as a part of the 2023 budget.

The Ministry of Seniors, Community and Social Services would also provide $20.3 million for housing and financial support.

Sawhney says 21,600 Ukrainians have come to Alberta since the war.

The Alberta government is to deliver its budget next week.

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