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455-page Surrey police transition report made public

BY , Mar 11, 2020 4:43 PM - REPORT AN ERRORLAST UPDATED ON Apr 24, 2020 3:33 PM

According to the report prepared by a committee chaired by former attorney general and judge Wally Oppal, Surrey’s local police force will have a staff of 1150 people, including 805 officers.

The local force is projected to cost $192.5 million in 2021 which will be an additional burden of $18.9 million as compared to RCMP.

The report also mentions a one time $45.2 million setting-up cost for the new force.

According to this report, the local police force will result in a 16% increase in the number of front line patrol officers.

Full text of this report prepared by Provincial Municipality Policing Transition Study Committee can be accessed here: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/justice/criminal-justice/policing-in-bc/publications-statistics-legislation/publications/gov-reports

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